
Toddler Sleep: 18 months – 4 years

No matter what age your child is at, great sleep and parenting advice is always needed! As your baby grows up, they enter a new developmental phase to be called a toddler or preschooler. With a whirlwind personality and a need to be busy exploring, having a toddler in the house is certainly not a piece of cake!

That’s when you need some handy tips and advice from our Toddler Experts. We will help explain how and why these changes are happening and how you can take charge while still being a kind and loving parent. With our own tried, tested and proven solutions, we’re certain we can make a positive difference for you and your family.

Healthy toddler sleep is in your grasp

Toddlers face a lot of change and challenges, healthy sleep habits can slip and displays of fierce independence from your toddler is a common issue. Doing an assessment of their sleep, nutrition and behaviour will provide you with detailed and specific suggestions for remedying the problem areas. Following-on from your in-home consultation, you will have follow-up support, allowing you to keep in close contact with your baby sleep consultant. Off-loading your concerns and questions, and having regular contact with us has proven to be incredibly valuable to our clients.

Whether you decide on a home visit or phone package, know that with us we have your toddler’s best interests at heart.

Is your toddler needing help with:


Having a toddler or preschooler in your home means lots of fun and laughter! Sometimes though, the tantrums and other undesirable behaviour can be really challenging and exhausting to manage.
Our parenting advice will help you navigate through these tricky behaviours in a positive and rewarding way for both you and your little angel!


We specialise in Toddler sleep solutions and can help you with early morning waking, night wandering, night terrors, night feeds and refusing to nap. This includes the transition from two daytime naps to one, dropping naps altogether, getting your child to stay in their bed and any other issues that are still lurking around.


No longer babies, your child is learning to walk, talk and express themselves. Developmental progress happens rapidly and sometimes it can feel like you are struggling to keep up!
We can help you to better understand the growth and development needs of your toddler and provide parenting advice and guidance about age-appropriate activities to help with your child’s developmental needs.


Understanding the nutritional needs of your toddler, as well as making sure they have a varied diet with regular meals and snacks can be challenging. Fussy eaters and miniature food critics can be a nightmare for a parent. You may accidentally find yourself as a short order cook and no one wants that to happen!
We can help you to feel confident that you’re on the right track by providing you with information about the nutritional needs of your small person, as well as sharing with you our tips and guidance on dealing with fussy eaters.


Children of all ages feel safe and secure in their world when they have a regular routine and rhythm to their days. We’ll help you build an age-appropriate routine for your toddler that keeps pace with this busy and active developmental learning stage.


Children are ready to toilet train at different ages. Learning the cues for readiness and the practicalities of toilet training can be a mystery to many.
We can provide guidance on when your child is ready to begin training and tips to ensure the process goes smoothly.

“We are so proud of our amazing progress and cant thank-you enough Lena, we really wouldn’t have stuck with it without knowing we were on the right track and able to contact you for your awesome advice and support. As you can imagine we are all incredibly grateful to have our happy little girl back and so excited to go to her own bed and read her special books with her new favourite bed pal. Thanks a million! We look forward to more nights of blissful sleep, something I could never have imagined before seeing you.  I could only dream about being one of those success stories on your website whose toddler could go from waking six times a night to sleeping right through. Big hug from us all”

Brenda, Plimmerton

“I don’t know how you did it!  We now have a restful toddler not to mention a calm toddler. Not only have we been able to keep our day nap but we have a sleeping toddler over night!  Your techniques and strategies worked, and they were different to what I have read and tried before – you certainly know what you are doing.  The follow up support was much appreciated positive reassurance really helped to get me through some of those frustrating times.! I’ll pick up a phone package before baby number 2 is born so I am armed with your amazing tips and tricks. Baby & Beyond comes highly recommended by me”

Amy, Miramar

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