All about Baby & Beyond . . . 

Our thoughts on ‘Sleep’ and ‘Methods’

Email Consultation

Sleep management for babies and children under 5 is a controversial and emotive subject.

There are many “experts”, philosophies and approaches to sleep management. Everyone from the next door neighbor, to grandparents, to well meaning friends, all seem to have an opinion on the best “method” of getting a child to sleep.

No Magic pill, but just enough sleep dust  

Sleep forms the basis for all functions, it’s necessary for our well being, our mental health our zest for life, our get up and go. When we sleep we heal. This is the same for our little ones, our quality of sleep is so important. 

Everyone has the right to a good nights sleep and the right to ask for help. We work along side you, empowering you with the knowledge and confidence. We believe in you, your parenting style your beliefs.  It’s been asked before….  but yes, we may just sprinkle the right amount of sleep dust during our visits. 

Sadly, practical support is often in short supply.

The Baby & Beyond team are familiar and trained in the many theories and methods of sleep management. However, we do not subscribe to any one strategy. Rather, after careful assessment of a family’s unique circumstances and issues, we suggest a range of strategies that will be compatible with each family’s beliefs and values regarding sleep.

We have tweaked, changed and made up many of our own processes based on our skill and knowledge base. Each family’s values will never be compromised as we embark together on the journey to better sleep.

We offer a range of in home visit packages for parents within the Wellington & Waikato regions and phone consultations for families located throughout New Zealand and abroad. As Baby Sleep Consultants we are experts in our field, know that with us you will receive the best possible care and attention.

We’d love to hear from you, let’s start improving and making things better.

Give us a call to find out how 027 310 3563

Complied by Janferie – Owner Baby & Beyond

